Welcome to OSTENTA.NET
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Spanish verb
means "to display or flaunt".
is the third person indicative or
informal second person imperative of the verb. English derivatives
include "ostentatious" and "ostensible". The verb is also used in
Italian the same way as in Spanish.
The origins of the
are ancient. The
Etruscan civilization
(1200-550 BCE) predates the Romans on the Italian peninsula.
The Etruscan concept of the world and of life lay in the certainty
of a permanent communication with the gods. The observation of
omens, which were called ostenta,
and their interpretation were the
domain of the augur priests who accepted what were taken to be
exceptional phenomena as signs and explanations, possibly of the
future. When the usual order of the world seems disturbed,
when an abnormal event occurs, it is not a matter of ordinary chance
for a people who attribute all things to the gods. It is a
Omens as exceptional
phenomena had to be distinguished from merely unusual signs that
could recur. The guidebook for such discrimination was the
Celestial event displays such as comets and
eclipses, the flight of birds, births of unusual animals or
children, appearance of certain plants and trees among many other
phenomena were to be interpreted as signs that could have positive
or negative implications in the context of Etruscan culture.
Thus is the fascinating ancient pre-Latin basis
of everyday words such as "ostentation" in English, related usages
in Spanish and Italian, and the domain name "ostenta.net".
Please visit this website and its links often -- Jim Duncan |